How can we keep the burden of wound care from bleeding the system dry? A patient, provider and payor perspective
At Mölnlycke®, we value connecting with healthcare professionals from around the world. Join us for a roundtable discussion.
If the burden of wound care is bleeding health systems dry, is someone at fault, and what can be done to relieve this burden? As clinical and financial constraints collide, it’s tempting to point fingers. But this doesn’t take the whole picture into consideration.
Join the debate on:
- How different parts of the healthcare system can work together to reduce the burden of wound care
- Understanding outcomes as value and securing value for money by delivering appropriate patient outcomes
- Who is responsible for reducing the burden and achieving better outcomes and how?
- Balancing optimal patient outcomes with the health of the health system itself

Mr Benedict Stanberry
Principal, IHLM, Oxford, UK

Prof Julian Guest
Principal, Catalyst Consultants, Poole, UK

Dr Jemell Geraghty
Consultant Nurse, King’s College London

Prof Keith Harding
Medical Director at Welsh Wound Innovation Centre

Dr Emma Wright
Chief Medical Officer, Mölnlycke

Gary Hopkins

Mölnlycke Talks Online from London
Welcome to our popular Mölnlycke Talks, now online! Optimising wound care through patient engagement. 22 June 2020, 19.00 CEST

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Welcome to our popular Mölnlycke Talks Online - 'Covid: a catalyst to improve patient engagement. Rethink wound care'.
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